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Old 16-07-2008, 10:55
sws97sdg's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 4,295

Glad you enjoyed the thread pollensavirgin, I'm sure you will have a great time, let us know what you think of it when you get back, the good and the bad (if any). It will be good to get the opinion of people visiting for the first time
Have a great holiday
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Old 16-07-2008, 10:58
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 2

I'd be delighted to! Will be back to post my thoughts and memories in early August.
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Old 16-07-2008, 11:00
Sparky's Avatar
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Hi Pollensavirgin, i am sure you will have a wonderful holiday. Hopefully you will fall in love with it as the majority of people on this site have. But be warned it's very addictive and gets under your skin and into your heart and you will have to keep going back.
Living the dream in PP with my glass half full. .
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Old 16-07-2008, 12:18
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 16

I love getting up at the crack of dawn and stroll the pine walk before anyone else is about. The sun coming up over the mountain creates a wonderful light and sense of calmness right across the bay.
I did this last Wednesday, then popped back to the apartment and got changed and was in the sea by 8am. It was just fantastic relaxing in the water with fish swimming around my feet. A couple joined me shortly after and paddled out to feed bread to the fish, causing a piranha like frenzy.
Quite magical.
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Old 16-07-2008, 16:36
Join Date: May 2008
Location: South Wales
Posts: 260

Hi All,
Well these few posts have certainly cheered me up. I was getting a bit worried reading the few negative ones.
I agree, PP is the best place anywhere EVER! We've been all over Spain, Italy, France and PP is by far the best. Venice is out of this world but for different reasons.

Just to walk about the port of PP, have a cold drink, an evening meal. You can feel the atmosphere. So beautiful and relaxed.
It was all summed-up for me and my wife a couple of years ago. We were sitting on the balcony overlooking the bay, down by the Bar Coral area. Beautiful clear sky, lovely warm night. We'd both had a couple! of drinks and it was about midnight. There in the sky was shooting star after shooting star. For about an hour or more. Every few minutes another one then another one. The feeing was just amazing. It's a feeling I'll never forget and that's why I love PP. And the food, the people, the shops...
Going in 16 days for 2 weeks. Can't wait.
You got to accentuate the postitive! Isn't that a song?
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Old 16-07-2008, 19:49
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: lympstone devon
Posts: 231
Talking why we love p.p

hi terry, you have hit the nail on the head. My fave time is very early in the morning sitting on the jetty with my cup of coffee near Little Italy feeding the fish while Lola does her daily power walk to Ill dor. Did this for three months and never mised a day. Sad or even funny part was the guy sitting fishing on the same pier, he never caught a thing yet, as you were, I was surrounded by fish every day and even managed to photo them in the clear water. One trick I learnt was to put a baguette in the freezer the night before , then take it into the water next morning. Once you had the attention of the fish dip the baguete into the water and wait for hell to break loose. I even managed to lift the bread out of the water with fish attached much to the annoyance of the adjacent fisherman. Who needs hooks!!!
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Old 16-07-2008, 21:55
marilyn's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Twickenham
Posts: 636

After nearly forty visits to PP I still feel the same excitement when we first arrive amd see the Bay coming in from Alcudia. Can't wait to pop into the bars and restaurants and get the warm greetings.

I love to get up early and watch the sunrise and then take a walk along by the sea on the way to buy some fresh bread. Everyone else is asleep in the apartment. I sit on the terrace with a cup of coffee and watch the port come to life.

I cannot imagine not visiting PP at least once a year - wouldn't feel I had been on hols at all without it. Only just over four weeks and I will be there!
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