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Go Back   Pollensa Forum > BEFORE YOU GO > Hotels, Villas & Apartments in Pollensa & Cala San Vicente

Hotels, Villas & Apartments in Pollensa & Cala San Vicente Discuss hotels, aparthotels, private villas, apartments and any other type of accommodation in the Pollensa area including Cala San Vicente. Do add reviews and comments for specific hotels and apartments. Readers find these very useful. However this forum is not a place for advertisements. Check out the 'Advertise' page on the main web site.

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Old 14-09-2002, 02:37
Posts: n/a
Default Advice Please

After a 10 year gap we are coming back to Puerto Pollensa - for a week starting 19 October. The flight and car hire are booked, just a small matter of finding accomodation now. Not having visited this time of year before (it was May last time) we are wondering whether it is normally warm enough to swim - in the sea or a pool? This will influence our choice of accommodation so any advice would be appreciated. Also, would welcome any recommendations about accommodation - a quiet location is preferred - the more remote the better. Finally, as vegetarians, we would welcome advice on suitable local dishes (I remember Tumbet) and places to eat them. Looking forward to returning to your beautiful town. Thank you in anticipation. Allan
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Old 16-09-2002, 18:48
Posts: n/a

Hi Allan,
I've just got back from P.P this week and found food very easy to come by being that both me and my new husband are vegetarian too.
I am regrettably going to say that we ate out from the hotel (Pollensa Park) one night, the only night, and both got food poisoning. My husband had it alot worse than I did and as it was our honeymoon, it sort of ruined the holiday.
On a better note, the weather was 30 degrees most days. The sea was to die for. The beaches were'nt crowded and the sea temperature must of been about 24 degrees.
Hope this helps.

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