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Entertainment in Pollensa & Majorca Nights out, discos, music bars, cinema, theatre ...

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Old 19-06-2007, 01:58
Posts: n/a
Default bad experience of pp - Chivaz - anyone there Friday?

Just back from a week in pp with my gf and had a bad experience of the chivaz nightclub. Went there about 1am together (friday night/saturday morning) and basically had an argument so I stormed off (big mistake).

Then I get a text saying she'd been pushed against a wall outside somewhere because she got lost trying to find me (my phone battery way dead). She later told me she got sexually assaulted when this happened. To cut a long story short I didn't see her again till 5am. She got extremely drunk and spent 70 euros on drinks, was there on her own and was wearing a short dress. She can't remember whole chunks of the night.

Regarding the assault she said it was two men in a car who were driving about and it happened on the back streets. She screamed and they got scared off. She said she remembers them saying 'jarva jarva' then shooting off. Does anyone know what this means?

If anyone was there that night please let me know. She was wearing a short blue sexy dress and had blonde hair. She chatted to and danced with many people there that night. I'm terrified that perhaps her drink was spiked or something.

Sorry to have to post a depressing message like this.
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Old 19-06-2007, 17:39
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Join Date: May 2001
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If anyone is able to help here please respond to the same message under 'Misc' as I am going to lock this duplicate message to avoid confusion.

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