Latest :
Most performances around 9pm (best check!) except where stated:
Laguna........................................ Guillermo and Derek Holt
...............…...Norai......................... .................. DJ LAHOX
Tuesday....... Rosa Blanca.................................. Derek Holt and Guests
..............…... Norai................................…......... Disaster Duo /Maria i Punt (Artists Vary)
……………......…Tecun (old Manduca)………..........……..Guillermo.
Wednesday... Mulligans ..................................... Jill Cole
La Vall .........................….............. Sharry C 7:30 pm
...........…....... Norai ........................................... Disaster Duo (Artists Vary)
Daina ................................…........ Mariano Miranda (Spanish Guitar)
Romantic ........................…........... Shake, Rattle N' Roll Show (Nikki n Dennis) Now Weekly?
Puerto Azul…………………………..............The Hustlers … (Fortnightly)
Thursday...... Hostal Boras/Mollins CSV (alt weeks) . Fat Cats Jazz
................…. Rosa Blanca ...................................Shake, Rattle N' Roll Show (Nikki n Dennis)
Friday.......... Norai ............................................Guille rmo and Guests
............…......Laguna ..........................................Emma Rossi
………….......……Sol yMar…………………................…………Sharry C
Saturday...... La Roca ........................................ Hustlers 4:30 pm
................…. Hostal Boras................................. Hustlers
................…. Mulligans ..................................... Pete McDonna
................….Panorama....................... ............... Elvis (Dennis)
Sunday........ Jolly Roger Alcudia 3 pm ................. Hustlers
................... Panorama ..................................... Jill Cole
................... Rosa Blanca................................... Elvis (Dennis)
................... Norai.....................................…...... Disaster Duo? /Julia and Pep Toni? (Artists Vary)
Also we have the Tribute Acts at Palms Bar (on Calle Bot opp Fergus Style)
From ..
Sunday................Iain Duncan as Elvis
Tuesday ............. The New Jersey Boys
Wednesday ......... Abba Angels
Thursday ............ The Beegees
Friday ................. Freddie Mercury
Saturday ............. Sport on TV
Best to book a table else you'll not get in!!
Please message me any corrections or additions
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